We are there for you Family Business Event

Desde 2012, hemos forjado nuestra organización bajo
a single purpose: to keep people, companies and
safe communities.

About us

We are a group of professionals who provide protection to our clients based on the prevention of vulnerable situations that lead to insecurity. We minimize our clients' risks and design the best strategies to close the vulnerability of perimeter accesses.

Galver security in numbers

Áreas residenciales
+ 0
Safe companies
+ 0
Safe families
+ 0


Our vision

Proveer a nuestros clientes de un servicio integral de protección y seguridad privada, partiendo desde la prevención, detección y respuesta oportuna acorde a las necesidades de nuestros clientes.

Our team

John Guzman


El control de procesos es una de las etapas de la Gestión de Procesos de Negocio (BPM) y consiste en analizar y monitorear procesos para localizar fallas y oportunidades de mejora. Al monitorear el progreso de cada proceso es posible aumentar la calidad de las entregas y el rendimiento del negocio.

Veronica Ureña

General Manager

Desde la Gerencia trabajamos en la organización que efectúan actividades de planificación, dirección y control a objeto de utilizar sus recursos, con la finalidad de alcanzar objetivos que garanticen la satisfacción de nuestros clientes y colaboradores.

Kelvin A. Lied

Director of operations

En operaciones debemos garantizar que las funciones diarias fluyan sin inconvenientes. Nuestro equipo se centran en mantener la eficiencia del proceso y ayudar a tomar decisiones inteligentes en procura de la Tranquilidad de Nuestros Clientes.

Bernardo Santana Lozano

Auditor de Seguridad

La auditoría es un proceso de verificación y/o validación del cumplimiento de una actividad según lo planeado y las directrices estipuladas. Nuestro compromiso es mantener la empresa en el mas alto estándar de procedimiento a través de nuestros procesos de auditoria y con esto mantener una capacitación constantes.

Velvet Aguilar

Asesora de Servicio

Asesorar a nuestros clientes es parte del servicio de atención al cliente de nuestra empresa, Nos focalizamos en hacer lo mejor por el cliente.


Veronica Ureña

General Manager

Graduated from the Pedro Henríquez Ureña National University (UNPHU), as a Bachelor in Business Administration, Postgraduate in International Relations with a specialization in the Caribbean Basins with a double degree from the Technological Institute of Santo Domingo (INTEC) and the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences (FLACSO) Costa Rica. He has different diplomas and specializations in Corporate Finance, Human Management, Citizen Security, Facilities Security and Facility Management, Team Coach.

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Cesar Corporal

Director of operations

Mr. Cesar Corporal is a graduate of the Academy for cadets March 2 of the P.N. As a Bachelor of Police Science, he has a Master's Degree in Security and Defense from the Antonio de Nebrija University SPAIN, in addition to various certifications including the "CERTIFIED CORPORATE INTEGRAL SECURITY MANAGER" from the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico. He has different diplomas, seminars and workshops in various areas of security.

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Estefany Guzman

Human Resources

She is a graduate of the National Evangelical University (UNEV), graduated Cum Laude as a Bachelor of Clinical Mention in Psychology, with different diplomas, and workshops in areas of Psychology and Human behavior safety, as well as in the management of Conflicts and Objections in the Workplace.

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Security and Control to your measure

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Physical Security Workshop

Facilitator Mr. Luis Padilla Objective of the Training: At the end of the course the participants will have the practical knowledge to protect people and assets of the company, following the established technical procedures and complying with the safety regulations. Training content: Department of security, security objectives, policies, definition of security, its functions,

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Business Image Workshop

Facilitator Licda. Grissette Gonzalez Objective of the Training: Provide the participants with the techniques and awareness of the importance of corporate image, good appearance, hygiene, personal care and good behavior, in all corporate security personnel and / business. Training Content: Definition of Personnel

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Personal Motivation Workshop

Facilitator Lic. Carlos Antonio Sosa Bautista. Training Objective: At the end of this course, participants will be able to: Understand the importance of motivation to achieve job satisfaction, and at the same time reflect on the importance of motivation in optimizing the expected results and achieving positive results in the personal.

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